Marks on our bodies

What’s the first thing you do when you get home after a long day? I’ll be honest: I make a beeline to the bedroom so I can take off my bra. There probably aren’t too many women who haven’t sighed with relief when removing restrictive undergarments. We’re used to it. But what does it mean? I have to admit I’ve thought with pity about women of the past who had to endure being strapped into girdles, but are we that different? Isn’t Spanx-type underwear the same thing?

Impressions, a recent project by photographer Justin Alexander explores some of these issues, and has been getting a lot of press lately. He’s taken close-up photos of the literal “impressions” made on women’s bodies by clothes that are too tight. I’ve seen these kinds of marks on my own body – it doesn’t surprise me to see the indentation of a seam or strap. But when I look at Alexander’s photos, I find I have mixed feelings. I’m glad to see this experience displayed in public, and happy if it generates productive discussion. I just wish it had been a woman taking the pictures, and I’m not sure why, or if it matters. Take a look at Impressions. What do you think?

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